Tag Manager

A Rough Guide To: Google Tag Manager

By on 24th September 2023

Reading Time: 8 minutes

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A Rough Guide To: Google Tag Manager

In the digital realm over the last year and a half, much of the buzz has centered on the debut of GA4 and the impending phase-out of Universal Analytics. Amidst this chatter, Google Tag Manager (GTM) subtly made its mark. As the recommended pathway for GA4 implementation, I’ve consistently relied on GTM for every setup, harnessing its versatile capabilities to ensure top-tier GA4 installations that capture every nuance of user engagement on client websites. Surprisingly, many clients were unfamiliar with GTM, yet there was an unmistakable curiosity to delve deeper.

If you’re among those intrigued by the potential of GTM and want a clearer understanding, this guide is as good a starting point as any (in my opinon anyway).

What is Google Tag Manager?

Google Tag Manager (which I will refer to here on in as GTM) is a free tool that allows marketers, SEO professionals, and webmasters to deploy and manage code snippets (tags) on a website or app without having to modify the code directly. It acts as a middleman, enabling users to implement a variety of tags including analytics tracking, remarketing, and more.

Organic Digital GTM Account

Key Features & Benefits of Google Tag Manager

Centralized Tag Management:

With GTM you have a centralized dashboard that allows you to add, update, or remove tags with ease. This means a more streamlined process and less room for error. Whether you’re implementing tracking codes, advertising pixels, or other third-party scripts, GTM offers a unified space to manage them all.

Advanced Event Tracking:

GTM’s advanced event tracking capabilities provide in-depth insights into user interactions. Whether someone clicks a button, submits a form, or scrolls to a specific part of your page, GTM can capture these interactions. This granularity in data collection allows for more informed decision-making and refined marketing strategies.

For example, I use the following trigger to detect when a user clicks on one of the internal links on my home page to a key service page:

Home Page Click Trigger

Multi-Platform Compatibility:

GTM is not confined to just websites. Its versatility extends to mobile apps and Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) as well, ensuring a cohesive tagging strategy across platforms. With GTM, you can ensure consistency in your data collection methods, whether users are browsing your site from a desktop or engaging with your mobile app:

Container Settings

User Permissions:

In larger organizations or teams, it’s often crucial to regulate who has access to what. GTM’s user permissions feature lets you dictate the level of access each team member has. Whether it’s a marketer needing to view tag configurations, a developer requiring edit access, or a manager with the authority to publish changes, GTM offers granular control over user roles, safeguarding your tag implementations:

User Permissions

Debug Mode:

Before pushing any changes live, it’s essential to ensure that tags work as intended. GTM’s debug mode offers a sandbox environment where you can test and troubleshoot tags without affecting the live site. This means fewer errors, better data accuracy, and the confidence that your tracking setups are functioning optimally:

Debug Mode

Improves Site Speed

Traditional methods of implementing tags often involved adding multiple lines of code directly to the website, which could slow down page load times. GTM, on the other hand, uses asynchronous loading. This means that while the webpage content loads, tags are being loaded in the background, ensuring minimal impact on site speed. By reducing the bloat and ensuring efficient tag loading, GTM not only enhances user experience but also contributes positively to SEO efforts.

Enhances Data Accuracy

With GTM, the centralized management of tags reduces the chances of redundant or conflicting tags, ensuring that the data captured is more reliable. Furthermore, the ability to test tags in debug mode before deployment ensures they’re functioning as intended, capturing the right events and interactions. When every tag is meticulously managed and tested, the end result is data you can trust to make informed decisions.

What is the difference between Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics?

While both are tools from Google, GTM is focused on tag management across different platforms, while Google Analytics (GA) specifically captures and analyzes website traffic and user behavior. GTM can deploy the GA tag, among many others, making the two complementary rather than competitive.

Is Google Tag Manager easy to use?

For those familiar with digital marketing and analytics, GTM offers a user-friendly interface. However, beginners may face a learning curve. With its visual triggers, tags, and variable setup, most users can quickly grasp its basics.

Understanding Tags, Triggers, and Variables

What Are Tags?

In essence, they are small snippets of code or tracking pixels from various third-party tools, like Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel, or Google Ads. When added to a site, these tags collect specific information about user interactions and behaviors. For example, a tag might capture when a user clicks on a specific link, views a product, or makes a purchase. However, directly adding multiple tags to a website can become cumbersome and may affect site performance. This is where Google Tag Manager (GTM) steps in, offering a centralized system to manage and deploy these tags efficiently without cluttering the site’s code.

GA4 Tag

GA4 Tag

Adwords Tag

Adwords Tag

Bing Ads Tag

Bing Ads Tag

Facebook Pixel Tag

Facebook Pixel Tag

Hotjar Tracking Tag

Hotjar Tracking Tag

What Are Triggers?

Triggers are the conditions or rules set within GTM that determine when a specific tag should be activated or “fire”. Triggers play a crucial role, allowing tags to operate only when certain specified events or actions are detected on the site or app. For example, a trigger might be set to activate a tag only when a user clicks on a specific button or when they reach a particular page. By utilizing triggers, you can ensure that tags capture data in a contextually relevant and precise manner, thus providing more meaningful insights about user interactions.

Form Submission Trigger

Form Submission Trigger

Scroll Trigger

Scroll Trigger

External Link Click Trigger

External Link Click Trigger

Element Visibilty Trigger

Element Visibilty Trigger

What Are Variables?

Variables add another layer of sophistication to the tagging process. They are used to store and retrieve specific values or information that can then be used by tags and triggers. For instance, a variable might capture the value of a product added to a shopping cart, the URL of the last page a user visited, or the text of a clicked button. Variables can then feed this information to tags to customize tracking or to triggers to refine when a tag fires. In GTM, there are built-in variables for common uses, but you also have the flexibility to define custom variables to cater to specific needs.

Examples Of Variables Available On A Page

Examples Of Variables Available On A Page

Benefits of Google Tag Manager for SEO

Efficiently Implement Structured Data:

Structured data, also known as schema markup, helps search engines understand the content on your site, enhancing your visibility in search results. With GTM, implementing and managing structured data becomes more efficient, reducing the potential for errors and ensuring search engines receive the right signals about your content.

Facilitate Event Tracking for Engagement Metrics:

Engagement metrics, such as bounce rate, time on page, and interaction events, play a vital role in SEO. GTM streamlines the process of tracking these metrics by allowing you to set up custom events that align with user interactions, providing clearer insights into user behavior and content effectiveness.

Speed up Site Performance with Optimized Tag Loading:

Site speed is a crucial SEO factor. GTM uses asynchronous tag loading, which means tags load in the background without obstructing the content. This ensures a faster-loading website, potentially boosting your search engine rankings.

Benefits of Google Tag Manager for Marketers

Quick Tag Deployment without IT Dependency:

GTM empowers marketers to deploy tags swiftly without constantly relying on IT teams. This autonomy ensures timely campaign launches and quicker adjustments based on real-time data.

Advanced User Behavior Tracking:

With GTM, marketers can capture intricate details of user behavior, from video playbacks to scroll depths. Such insights facilitate more informed marketing strategies and content adjustments.

A/B Testing and Remarketing Integration:

GTM seamlessly integrates with popular A/B testing tools and remarketing platforms. This means marketers can set up and manage tests efficiently, and retarget users based on their website interactions, enhancing campaign effectiveness.

Benefits of Google Tag Manager for Businesses

Enhanced Data Accuracy:

Accurate data is the cornerstone of effective decision-making. GTM, with its centralized tag management and debugging features, ensures reliable data collection, providing businesses with dependable insights.

Improved Website Performance:

GTM’s optimized tag loading methodology ensures tags don’t hinder website performance, offering visitors a smoother browsing experience, which can lead to better engagement and conversions.

Centralized Tag Management Reducing Complexity:

GTM offers a unified platform to manage all tags, reducing the complexities often associated with handling multiple tracking codes. This centralization ensures streamlined operations and better oversight.

Benefits of Google Tag Manager for Developers

Cleaner Codebase:

By managing tags externally through GTM, the website’s source code remains cleaner and more maintainable. This reduces the clutter and potential conflicts often caused by direct tag integrations.

Reduced Tag Debugging Time:

GTM’s debug mode allows developers to test tags in a sandbox environment before going live. This proactive approach can significantly reduce the time spent identifying and fixing tag-related issues.

Streamlined Deployment across Environments:

Whether working in a development, staging, or production environment, GTM provides tools to manage tag deployment consistently across different setups, ensuring cohesive and error-free implementations.

In Conclusion

While Google Tag Manager undeniably offers expansive capabilities, its real power is unlocked when used adeptly. Whether you’re a business owner, marketer, or developer, understanding the intricacies of GTM is crucial. Investing in proper training sessions, workshops, or even hiring specialists can be a game-changer. As with most tools, the magic isn’t just in having it; it’s in mastering its use. As the digital landscape continuously evolves, staying updated and leveraging platforms like GTM can be the difference between staying relevant and getting left behind.

Useful Google Tag Manager Resources

To help you understand and make the most of tools like Google Tag Manager, I’ve curated a list of resources that are both insightful and practical:

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